Training Nationally & Internationally

Training Nationally & Internationally

Training Nationally & Internationally

ICG trainers apply scientific methodology to solving practical problems in behavior. We bring comparative experience and credibility allowing us to offer trusted solutions. Every day we apply our creativity and expertise in support of customer-facing solutions which enhance the delivery of a strategic workforce. We help organizations assess readiness to drive transformation across an organization.

Recent client engagements include work with ministries of education across the continent of Africa. We’ve helped our clients develop, implement, and operate significant projects. As partners with the Agency for International Development and Historically Black Colleges and Universities, we contributed to the delivery of more than 300,000 books and learning materials to children in Africa. Through a presidential educational exchange initiative we supported the Ministries of Education with the analysis, design and implementation of teacher training programs aligned with learning demands.

Our training philosophy is grounded in the principle of “people support what they help to create.”

- Nancy Rosenshine

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